STT 862 Theory of Probability and Statistics II, Spring 2006  

                   Yijun Zuo
                   Office: A440 Wells Hall
                   Tel: 517-432-5413, Email:
Office Hours:
                   MW 10:00am-11:00am  A440 WH
Class Time:
                   MWF 9:10am-10:00am C207 WH  
                   Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis
                   (by John A. Rice, Duxbury Press, 2nd Edition)
                   MTH 314, MTH 421 or  concurrently, STT 861
                   Exams 60% (03/03 Exam I, 100 points, 05/03 Final Exam, 200 points)       
                   Homework 40% (about 8 sets of assignments)
                   4.0(>=90%),  3.5(85%-89%), 3.0(80%-84%), 2.5(75%-79%), 2.0(<75%)

                   Assignments will be due at the beginning of the lecture on the days indicated
                   Late homework is not accepted
Important Dates:

                   1/9/06   First day of Classes

                   1/13/06 Close of Adds

                   1/16/06   MLK Day, No Classes

                   2/3/06   End of 100% Refund

                   3/1/06   Middle of the semester

                   3/6 thru 3/10   Spring Break

                   4/28/06   Last day of Classes

                   5/3/06   Final exam day

                   1. Efficiency, CRLB, and UMVUE  
                   2. Sufficiency and Completeness

                   3. Tests of Hypotheses and Goodness of Fit (Exam I on 3/3)

                   4. Summary Statistics
                   5. Two Sample Problem and Nonparametric Methods

                   6. Analysis of Variance

                   7. Linear Models

                   8. Categorical Data Analysis (if time permits) (Final Exam on 5/3)

The instructor reserves the right to make any changes deemed academically necessary