Input value for T_begin ? 0. Input value for T_end ? 600. Input the number of time steps M ? 4800 Timestep = 1.250000E-01 Input value for left boundary r_left? -60.127 Input value for location of injection well r_inj_well ? -30.127 Input value for right boundary r_right ? -.127 Input the number of subintervals in r-direction ? 60 Input value for alpha ? 1.8 Input value for average fluid extraction rate Qwell ? 12.4 Input value for aquifer thickness ? 35 Input value for aquifer porosity ? .011 Input value hydraulic dispersivity .34 Input total amount of solute injected ? 20.81 Input number of days solute is injected ? 4. Input a FILENAME to save the extracted solute data at the extraction well ? file.txt *** Conservation Integration Completed *** *** Starting Temporal Subordination *** Input starting value for fractional order of time derivative beta (beta=0 means no TSO) 0 No temporal subordination was perforemd (beta=0). Press any key to continue