STT 351, Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Spring 2005 

                   Yijun Zuo
                   Office: A440 Wells Hall
                   Tel: 517-432-5413, Email:
Office Hours:
                   MW 11:10am-12:10am  and by appointment
Class Time:
                   MWF 10::20am-11:10am C316 WH  
                   Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists  (by Sheldon M. Ross, Elsevier, 3nd  edition)                  

                   MTH 234 or MTH 254H or LBS 220 or  concurrently (or approval of instructor)
                   Exams 60% ( Exam I, 100 points,  Final Exam, 100 points)       
                   Homework 40% (about 10-15 sets of assignments )
                   4.0(>=90%),  3.5(85%-89%), 3.0(80%-84%), 2.5(75%-79%), 2.0(<75%)

                   Assignments will be due at the beginning of lecture on the days indicated
                   Late homework is not accepted
Important Dates:

                  January 10        First Day of Classes

                  January 14        Close of Adds

                  January 17        Martin L. King Day-No Classes

                  February 4        End of 100% Refund

                  March 2            Middle of the Semester

                  March 7 - 11     Spring Break

                  April 29             Last Day of Classes

                  May 3                Final exam (10:00am-12:00 noon)


          1. Introduction to Statistics

             2. Descriptive Statistics

             3. Elements of Probability

             4. Random Variables and Expectation

             5. Special Random Variables (Middle Exam)

             6. Distributions of Sampling Statistics

             7. Parameter Estimation

             8. Hypothesis Testing

             9. Regression (Final Exam)

The instructor reserves the right to make any changes deemed academically necessary