Courses taught at Michigan State University


Theory of Statistics and Probability I (STT 861)


Probability and Statistics for Engineers (STT 351)


Multivariate Analysis (STT843)


Theory of Statistics II (STT 872)

Theory of Statistics I (STT 871)

Theory of Statistics and Probability II (STT 862)

Topics in Statistics and Probability (STT 995)

Courses taught at Arizona State University

Mathematical Statistics (STP 427)

Applied Analysis of Variance (STP 531)

Introductory Applied Statistics (STP 420)

Applied Regression Analysis (STP 530)

Applied Multivariate Analysis (STP 533)

Please note:  This site is for the purpose of providing information and guidance.
However, any announcements in class take precedence should there be any inconsistencies.

Some Emails from Students